Flying Monk
We set ourselves a challenge of creating a blend that would be delicious, uplifting and creative. A mood altering tea that would get you nicely high and energised without any crazy buzz (that ruled out aged Whites or Gushu PuErhs).
This blend combines a GABA Oolong with Ginseng and Liquorice. The GABA plays its part in calming and creativity, the Ginseng and Caffeine adds focus and the Liquorice is a MAO inhibitor to enhance mood and feelings of happiness! Combine all of these with the Theanine in tea and the effects are lovely - calm and centered but with a cheeky high too!
Thankfully the combination tasted great and with a sprinkling of apricot and almond Osmanthus flowers to give some extra top notes we had our Flying Monk blend for all of you space cadets.
This is a demonstration store. Check out Mei Leaf Tea for products like this.